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Associate Eligibility

‘Associates’ means the persons who had applied and have been accepted by the Board of Directors as an associate in the Company.

Any person who qualifies as below can become an “Associate” of the company by application:
  • Facility Agent, Security Trustee, Credit Rating Agencies, Insurance Brokers, Valuation Agencies, Asset Tracing Agencies etc.
  • Law Firms, Accounting & Audit Firms, Settlement Agents, Resolution Professionals or Firms etc.,
  • Information Utilities, Repository or Registry etc.,
  • Any person who is engaged or proposed to be engaged in activities related to development of the Secondary Loan Market.

Admission or rejection of membership shall be at the sole discretion of SLMA and registration is liable to be cancelled in the event of breach of any of the undertakings mentioned in the terms of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

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